
Bentong, Pahang, Malaysia
80后,人称Y时代。Y,"WHY"的短写,也代表着80后的人总爱问"WHY"。没完没了的问题,也令上一时代的人觉得80后难以对付,问题一出现就一发不可收拾。其实,80后的人只觉得自己是在不耻下问,不明白的问个清楚,不道理的说到有道理,而已。 80后,我不是魔怪,我只是爱发问的好学一族,而已。

星期四, 四月 29, 2010

blogging---using english

While doing ERP system in the conference room, curi curi writing blog using people's laptop which do not consist of Chinese typing software. (Long time didn't write in English ^_^)

Recently busy with company new system task, although people say:"busy life will make the time past faster and life won't be so bored." But why i still feel bored? Not sure the feeling deeply inside my heart is boring or stress.

Thinking of something. Very deeply consideration in the mind. But not sure will i take action. If take, when is it?

I know one day i must choose. And at that time, i will know. And.....they will know.

When will that day come?


